Thursday, October 23, 2008

"3:10 to Yuma" Movie Review

From September 2007....

Hello everyone and welcome once again to my movie review! I am glad to know that there are people out there that actually read these and enjoy them. Honestly, if no one read them, I would still write them. But a big fat "THANK YOU" to all those who read and enjoy these reviews!

This review is for none other than "3:10 to Yuma." OK, let me say something about the western genre of movies. I didn't get into westerns until maybe 2000. It was definitely after I left the military before I took an interest in the genre. Until that time, one of my favorite movies was "Youngs Guns," a very slick western for Gen-X'ers. But there was one movie I watched, practically the only western I watched and that was "Tombstone." If you haven't watch "Tombstone," I implore you to watch it. Nothing but acting heavyweights in the movie based on a true story. You have Powers Boothe, Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Bill Paxton, Sam Elliott, Michael Biehn, Jason Priestly, Billy Zane, Charlton Heston, Michael Rooker, and up-and comers Billy Bob Thornton and Thomas Haden Church. But what, in my opinion, made this movie magical is Val Kilmer playing Doc Holliday. A role which should have garnered him the academy award, or at least a nomination. If nothing else, watch this movie just because of Val Kilmer's role. It's what acting is all about.

"3:10 to Yuma" is a damn good movie. I would say that it is one notch below "Tombstone." Christian Bale simply does not make bad movies. Pair him up with Russell Crowe and then just watch them take over. Seriously, with Bale and Crowe in a movie, you wouldn't need any other actor. The best parts of "Yuma" was the interaction between Bale and Crowe. But the character to watch out for in this movie is that of Charlie Prince played by Ben Foster. This guy is scary! If you don't know who Ben Foster is, check him out in "Hostage" with Bruce Willis, "Alpha Dog," or the HBO series "Six Feet Under." Also, there is a great cameo by Luke Wilson in this film. This is a highly recommended movie and well worth the money spent to see it.

If you happen to need a few recommendations of great westerns, check out: "Unforgiven," directed by Clint Eastwood. "Silverado, with the always reliable Kevin Kline (who def should make a lot more movies), and any western with Clint Eastwood such as "A Fistful of Dollars," "For a Few Dollars More," and "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." And for those of you out there that are like, "I don't do westerns..." just remember, the mind is like a only works when it is open. That goes the same for you out there that are like, "I don't do black and white movies..." I simply hate when people tell me that because some of the best movie are in black and white. I challenge anyone to tell me that "Tombstone" or "Casablanca" is not a good movie or that it wasn't enjoyed when watched......of course, westerns and black-and-whites are an acquired taste. Hit me up with any recommendations in either genre aside from the ones already mentioned.

TRIVIA: Name two movies that starred both Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman???

HIt me up with any questions, comments, or trivia....Boat Drinks!!!

"Death Sentence" Movie Review

From September 2007....

Gosh, I love movies. Today's treat was a movie that I am seriously considering to be one of my movies of the year - "Death Sentence."

I have watched a ton of movies and I can pretty much tell early on while watching a movie if a movie is going to be just o.k. or out of control. When early on in a movie you have an actor like Kevin Bacon playing a character who is sorting through various cutting instruments, like a hand-held sickle, a machete, and a bowie knife, to go up against some scary thugs, the likes I haven't seen since reporting for duty at Fort Bragg, North Carolina to serve with the 3d Special Forces Group, you know you have a movie that is going to be out of control.

"Death Sentence" is dark and pulls no punches. This movie is out of control. I can't think of a bad movie Kevin Bacon has been in. For those of you interested, some of the movies off the top of my head with Bacon and well worth watching are "The River Wild," "The Woodsman," "Stir of Echoes," "Sleepers," or even "Friday the 13th, part 2" This guy is in everything. Match him with John Goodman and up-and-comer Garrett Hedlund, then just sit back and enjoy a well-made movie. John Goodman needs no introduction. Garrett Hedlund plays the bad-ass running back in "Friday Night Lights" who, much like Larry Czonka, barrels his way through the football field after separating his shoulder. Great scene. He also starred in "Four Brothers." A good movie with John Goodman which I cannot recommend more highly is "Sea of Love" with Goodman playing Al Pacino's partner on the hunt for a killer.

See "Death Sentence," you will not be disappointed. The two best scenes in this movie are the scene in which Bacon's character enters the bar for information and the scene when his character and John Goodman's character come face-to-face. Cinematic history. It doesn't get much better than this folks.

Hit me up with any questions, comments, or trivia. Cheers!!!

"Halloween" Movie Review

From August 2007....

After about two weeks without hitting the theaters, I finally went today to see "Halloween." I am a huge fan of the original "Halloween," a huge fan. I am also a fan of Rob Zombie movies. If you are not a fan or do not know which movies Rob Zombie made, check out "The House of 1000 Corpses" and "The Devil's Rejects." Pretty damn good movies.

I like Mr. Zombie's remake for a lot of reasons. The first reason I like the movie is because Zombie pays homage and gives mad props to the original and John Carpenter. (John Carpenter made the original "Halloween"). That scary ass mask is there, the music is there, and Michael Myers is definitely out of control in this movie. There is nothing more disturbing than seeing a young Michael Myers (age 10) in the mask that was made famous by the Halloween movies. I especially like that Zombie used the song, "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult in this film.

The second reason I like this movies is because of the actors. There is a shared screen magical moment between two acting heavyweights: Malcolm McDowell and Brad Dourif. You also have guest appearances by Leslie Easterbrook (who is still hot after all these years), Clint Howard, William Forsythe, Danny Trejo, and a very precocious looking Danielle Harris. I absolutely love the idea of casting Malcolm McDowell in the part of Dr. Loomis. For those of you who do not know, McDowell plays one of the most sadistic, rapist - killers to grace the silver screen in my Top 20 fave: "A Clockwork Orange." Also, I was real happy to see Sid Haig in this movie. Sid Haig is great in both of Zombie's earlier films.

Lastly, I thoroughly enjoy the originality of showing what young Michael Myers was like as a boy. As a boy Michael Myers was completely out of control and ridiculously scary. It's just scary to think that there are 10-year-olds like him out in the real world.

What I didn't like about this movie is some of the liberties Zombie took with the source material. Not a lot, but some of which was a bit too much. And the movie was a bit too fast-paced. The pacing of the movie did not allow the buildup of suspense like the original had. These are minor annoyances which do not take away from this movie. I point them out because I am a die-hard fan of the original.

Overall, I give this movie a favorable review and worth the money spent to see. It's just a fun, update of one of the original slasher films of my youth.

TRIVIA: Due to the shoestring budget of the original "Halloween," the prop department had to use the cheapest mask it could find - the original mask is a mask of what famous TV actor spray-painted white???

Hit me up with any questions, comments, or trivia....Cheers!!!

Also, if you need any recommendations of a film or want to know if a particular film on DVD is worth watching, hit me up...I'll review it...


"The world will look up and shout 'Save us!'... And I'll whisper 'No,'" Rorschach.

Whoa....just saw the new trailer for the upcoming "Watchmen" movie. For those of you who do not know "Watchmen" - it's a graphic novel that was released in the 80s. It's as deep and involved as anything I have ever read. Excellent story, great character development, violent, gritty, and one of the best pieces of fiction I have ever read. Now, I am sure one could ask, "How good can a comic book be?" Well, just google "Watchmen"...

The trailer looks fantastic and I absolutely can not wait to see how the novel translate to the screen. Phenomenal footage. What I like about the trailer is that it does not give any of the story away, but then again I have to add that a story as deep as "Watchmen"....not much damage a trailer can do...

Without giving anything away, I do want to add that "Watchmen" has one of my all-time favorite anti-heroes - Rorschach. I am a huge fan of the anti-hero; ever since I first saw "Escape from New York" with Kurt Russell as the quintessential cinematic anti-hero Snake Plissken. Of course others could argue that Bogart's Rick Blaine of "Casablanca" is the quintessential anti-hero - but who I am to split hairs?

I hope I am not crucified, but the character of Rorschach is about anti-hero as they come and I can not wait to see how he is translated onto the big screen. The novel describes Rorschach's youth and it is an upbringing just screaming, "serial killer." What he goes through as a kid is ridiculous. But instead of going down the road of serial killer, he becomes - well, I don't know how to describe him as other than an anti-hero. I like to think of an anti-hero doing the wrong things for the right reasons. Rorschach does whatever he wants for his own reasons -

"Stood in firelight, sweltering. Bloodstain on chest like map of violent new continent. Felt cleansed. Felt dark planet turn under my feet and knew what cats know that makes them scream like babies in night. Looked at sky through smoke heavy with human fat and God was not there. The cold, suffocating dark goes on forever and we are alone. Live our lives, lacking anything better to do. Devise reason later. Born from oblivion; bear children, hell-bound as ourselves, go into oblivion. There is nothing else. Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose. This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us. Streets stank of fire. The void breathed hard on my heart, turning it's illusions to ice, shattering them,"

The trailer does have some amazing, albeit, extremely short footage of Rorschach. Check it out if you are so inclined:

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Gods and Generals

Where the hell do I begin with this one? Well, I few years ago I saw this gem of a movie called "Gettysburg." A beautiful and stunning Civil War movie with a who's who of actors and as I am a huge fan of ensemble film I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it very much. But, what I really enjoyed about "Gettysburg" was one actor's role and that actor is Jeff Daniels. Daniels is well known for his role in "Dumb and Dumber," but if you haven't watched him in a dramatic role, I implore to run and see a movie with him that is not "Dumb and Dumber." ("Gettysburg," one of my personal faves, "The Lookout," or "Traitor") Daniels is an absolutely superb actor. In Gettysburg he plays Colonel Lawrence Chamberlain, a college professor turned soldier (who I can't help but to think was the inspiration for Tom Hanks character in "Saving Private Ryan"). The most intense scene in "Gettysburg," is one in which Chamberlain's unit is being repeatedly attacked, running low on ammo, and Chamberlain steadfastly refuses to retreat. I will never forget how I felt when Chamberlain decided to, "Order the men to fix bayonets!" Unbelievable!

Not too long after I saw "Gettysburg," I find out there is a movie called "Gods and Generals." It didn't get great reviews and as I wanted to see something just as good, if not better, than "Gettysburg" I decided not to watch it. So, the other day I am in a store and I come across a DVD Double Feature which includes both "Gettysburg" and "Gods and Generals" - took me a few minutes but I broke down and purchased it. I watched "Gods and Generals" last night...unbelievable!!!

Generals is a prequel to "Gettysburg" Daniels was in this movie reprising his role as Chamberlain which I was thoroughly looking forward to. As this movie did not get the critical acclaim as its predecessor, I was not expecting much. Let me tell you, this is an absolutely phenomenal movie!!! It is beautifully shot, great acting, and Stephen Lang as "Stonewall" Jackson was ridiculously phenomenal. This movie should have been called "Stonewall." The only other movie I saw Lang in is the essential "Tombstone" playing Ike Clanton. In Generals, Lang absolutely shines and I found a new favorite actor. This movie is to Lang what "Gettysburg" was to Daniels for me. Those movies definitely had me sitting up and taking notice of these actors.

Now, everyone knows the fundamental, basic, elementary reasons why the Civil War occurred. Americans fighting Americans, a nation divided, the tagline for the trailer states it quite well: "They carried the same Bible. They believed in the same God. One side fought for God's glory. The other for His kingdom on Earth. But for the duration of the war...God refused to take sides." Some of the scenes in this movie are incredible, some are heart wrenching. The most heart-wrenching scene for me to watch was when the Union Irish Brigade was ordered forward at Fredricksburg, coincidentally, straight into the Confederate Irish Brigade out of Georgia. As Sergeant Kilraine put it, "Some of the lads I left Ireland with are on the other side as well. Imagine that. We left together to escape tyranny...and end up shooting at each other in the land of the free." The commander for the Confederate Irish Brigade cried during hostilities.

Some heart-warming scenes were the scenes between Stonewall and a 5-year girl named Jane, especially during Christmas, 1862. And my personal fave - when Confederate soldier "Johnny Reb," crosses a shallow river to trade coffee for tobacco with Union soldier, "Billy Yank," again during Christmas 1862. And of course, watching Daniels was particularly nice as he does have some great scenes in this movie.

Now, as much as I loved this movie, and I truly did, as it kept me up late into the night. This movie is close to four hours long; didn't seem like four hours to me. But, as much as I loved this movie, I can't imagine why it didn't get better reviews. The only thing I can think of is that this movie is heavily "slanted" toward the confederate side - heavily "slanted." Now, I am not going to mix politics, religion, or anything like that when I talk about movies, but this truly is a very, very good movie and I can not recommend it more highly. Especially to military historians, aficionados, Civil War buffs, or anyone with a slight interest in the topic. Great war scenes, not bloody, but fiercely accurate (or so I believe).

I will soon be watching Gettysburg and the Ken Burns Civil War documentary. I am fiercely interested in learning more about the Civil War.

Hit me up with any questions, comments, trivia, etc. Cheers!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Good Morning!!! Yes,'s been a while since the last post and I actually have three topics of discussion to post, just been...ummm...lazy, for lack of better word...

Well, I saw the new teaser trailer this morning for a small gem of a movie called, "Valkyrie." While I am a big fan of WWII movies, I am a bigger fan of WWII movies which are focused on a small team or a special mission, i.e. "The Dirty Dozen," "Saving Private Ryan," "The Guns of Navarone," or even "Force 10 from Navarone."

Valkyrie is based on the true story of an assassination attempt on Hitler. It stars Tom Cruise. I can't say that I am a huge fan of Cruise, but he does make some damn good movies - "War of the Worlds" or "Mission Impossible III" (caveat - Simon Pegg's small role was phenomenal in MI III). Not the greatest movies, but good entertainment. Also making appearances in this movie are Bill Nighy (of Underworld) and one of my fave actors, Terrence Stamp (Superman II, Young Guns, Episode I: The Phantom Menace). Looks to be solid fare directed Bryan Singer who also directed one of my Top 20 faves, "The Usual Suspects."

While writing about the genre, one movie I watched a few years ago and actually loved was this movie called, "The Eagle Has Landed," starring Michael Caine and Robert Duval. It's about the Germans attempt to assassinate Winston Churchill during WWII. Michael Caine's character leads his team of professionals into a town where...well, you'll just have to see the movie. You may just find yourself pulling for the Germans...

Check out Valkyrie:

Hit me up with any comments, questions, trivia, etc. Cheers!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I have not been as diligent in "blogging" as I originally intended. I have no excuse, but it is something I intend to remedy. I did watch a few movies these past couple of weeks and I should have definitely left a "blog" or two in reference to these movies, but I didn't...I was lazy....

So, about two weeks ago, trolling the in particular...I came across a juicy tidbit of movie news: Underworld 3 is/was in post-production scheduled for a 2009 release date. This raised my eyebrows as I am a huge fan of Underworld. Not so much Underworld 2, but I def want to watch it again - give it another chance. I tend to enjoy movies more the second time I watch them.

So Underworld 3 - three actors will be reprising their roles from the original which is always good sign, but the movie will also be starring one of my fave actresses: the always delicious Rhona Mitra. I became a fan after watching her in the first season of Boston Legal (a huge influence in my choosing to go to law school). I am looking forward to the release of Underworld 3 - a prequel to Underworld.

I just finished watching Underworld and I have to say that this is a really good movie. Intelligent story, well-made, solid action-yarn of Vampires vs. Werewolves. If you're into Vampires and/or Werewolves def give Underworld a shot, it won't disappoint. I have watched this movie several times in the past but haven't watched it in a while and I really enjoyed it. The movie stars the always lovely Kate Beckinsale as a "Death Dealer" and Scott Speedwell as...well, someone who happens to cross paths with Beckinsale's character in the Vampires 1,000 year war against the Werewolves. NOTE: Kate Beckinsale in a skin-tight leather outfit...

As far as Scott Speedwell, well he is in one of my fave movies, "Dark Blue." If you haven't watched Dark Blue, run...don't walk to get this movie on DVD starring Kurt Russell as a corrupt L.A. police officer, Speedwell's character plays his partner...phenomenal movie...

I can talk movies all night, but I need to save some for another time. And hopefully much sooner. So, check out Underworld - I recommend it. Dark Blue - I recommend highly...

Well, hit me up with any questions, comments, trivia, or anything else movie related. Until next time - Cheers!!!