Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I have not been as diligent in "blogging" as I originally intended. I have no excuse, but it is something I intend to remedy. I did watch a few movies these past couple of weeks and I should have definitely left a "blog" or two in reference to these movies, but I didn't...I was lazy....

So, about two weeks ago, trolling the in particular...I came across a juicy tidbit of movie news: Underworld 3 is/was in post-production scheduled for a 2009 release date. This raised my eyebrows as I am a huge fan of Underworld. Not so much Underworld 2, but I def want to watch it again - give it another chance. I tend to enjoy movies more the second time I watch them.

So Underworld 3 - three actors will be reprising their roles from the original which is always good sign, but the movie will also be starring one of my fave actresses: the always delicious Rhona Mitra. I became a fan after watching her in the first season of Boston Legal (a huge influence in my choosing to go to law school). I am looking forward to the release of Underworld 3 - a prequel to Underworld.

I just finished watching Underworld and I have to say that this is a really good movie. Intelligent story, well-made, solid action-yarn of Vampires vs. Werewolves. If you're into Vampires and/or Werewolves def give Underworld a shot, it won't disappoint. I have watched this movie several times in the past but haven't watched it in a while and I really enjoyed it. The movie stars the always lovely Kate Beckinsale as a "Death Dealer" and Scott Speedwell as...well, someone who happens to cross paths with Beckinsale's character in the Vampires 1,000 year war against the Werewolves. NOTE: Kate Beckinsale in a skin-tight leather outfit...

As far as Scott Speedwell, well he is in one of my fave movies, "Dark Blue." If you haven't watched Dark Blue, run...don't walk to get this movie on DVD starring Kurt Russell as a corrupt L.A. police officer, Speedwell's character plays his partner...phenomenal movie...

I can talk movies all night, but I need to save some for another time. And hopefully much sooner. So, check out Underworld - I recommend it. Dark Blue - I recommend highly...

Well, hit me up with any questions, comments, trivia, or anything else movie related. Until next time - Cheers!!!

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